Dyscoveri creates digital solutions to support people with disabilities and their caregivers. We believe technology is key to inclusion.
Our first tool, Dyscours, is a multi-support AAC (Alternative and Augmented Communication) app. It allows people with language disorders to communicate using images, form syntactically correct sentences, and have them vocalized.
A complementary tool provides professionals with insights to better tailor their work to patients’ needs.
- About
- Participants
- Partnering
- Exhibition
- Pitches
- Conferences
- Hosted Events
- Healthy Teeth project
- Advancing Data Incorporation and Interoperability for Cancer Image Europe
- The augmented human: technological advances and research partnerships
- DIAMOND project
- Awards Ceremony – PUI Lille Innovation Contest
- Interested in hosting your own event?
- 2023 Hosted Event
- Previous editions
- Registration
- Practical information