Fujirebio is a global leader in the field of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing, development and production of IVD products, from specialized to fully automated clinical laboratory testing covering a range of pathologies. Pioneer in the diagnosis of Alzheimer, Fujirebio has developed this expertise by developing new biomarkers for the screening, diagnosis and treatment monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases for better patient care in a very dynamic environment in terms of new treatments.
- About
- Participants
- Partnering
- Exhibition
- Pitches
- Conferences
- Hosted Events
- Healthy Teeth project
- Advancing Data Incorporation and Interoperability for Cancer Image Europe
- The augmented human: technological advances and research partnerships
- DIAMOND project
- Awards Ceremony – PUI Lille Innovation Contest
- Interested in hosting your own event?
- 2023 Hosted Event
- Previous editions
- Registration
- Practical information