December 3rd & 4th, 2024


December 11th & 12th, 2024


[Hosted conferences] Panorama France Health Tech

Eurasanté joins forces with France Biotech and Euronext for the presentation of the 15th edition of its ‘Panorama France HealthTech’ during the MedFIT convention on June 26th. This study, which has been conducted by France Biotech for 15 years will give you key insights on biotech and medtech trends at both French and European levels. The report, presented by France Biotech and Euronext (and written in partnership with KPMG and Bpifrance) covers various aspects: type of companies, products under development and R&D trends, financing through private equity and through financial markets.

Check out the conference programme

About France Biotech

Created in 1997, France Biotech is a French non-for-profit organization that brings together the country’s leading innovative health companies and their expert partners. France Biotech’s primary mission is to support the development of this industry in France, by improving the tax, legal, regulatory and managerial environment in which these companies operate and by advocating for their recognition as a leading-edge industry. France Biotech also aims to turn French innovative health technologies into world leaders. The organization, which championed the creation of the French Young Innovative Company (JEI) status in 2004, develops a wide range of actions intended to set the innovative health sector on an independent and high-performance course. France Biotech is chaired by Maryvonne Hiance and has more than 180 members.



Yingjie Weng